Friday, July 5, 2013

N is for Needing a Break

I missed last week’s post because I was on a working vacation.  I am far closer to the deadline for this post than I would like as well.  With Sunday being a New Moon, I thought a post about needing a break was appropriate.

I have a New Moon mini-ritual that is all about taking a break. The ritual consists of a meditation and a promise to myself (and the Gods) that I will take it easy on myself for the 3 days.  That doesn’t mean letting all of my responsibilities go – but it does give me a chance to catch my breath.  I’ve come to rely on the New Moon to remind myself that I cannot do everything.  Rea
New Moon
lly, I can’t.

It’s ironic; part of my teaching often includes teaching new college students good scheduling and organization skills.  One of these exercises consists of having a person list of all his/her roles (responsibilities) in life.  If he/she hits 6-7, there is most likely a problem.  Yet, I routinely try and j
uggle that many roles/responsibilities and then wonder why things start to fall by the wayside.  (My current list includes: Teacher, wife, friend, sister, daughter, writer, witch).  While I don’t want to “give up” anything, I know that I need to redefine the obligations each of the roles carry.  I need to reallocate my time in a meaningful and fulfilling way.

So with the New Moon on the rise, I remind myself that rest matters.  I returned last week from a working vacation.  I had a few days (3) off, but the last 3 of the vacation were for work.  Because I knew that I had a presentation coming up, I found it distracted me most of the
three days off (and one day, I actually spent at least an hour working on the presentation).  

Sometimes, I need to remind myself not to feel guilty about taking a break – not to feel guilty about taking a night off.  I’m going to have a New Moon Ritual this weekend, and part of the ritual is going to include taking a hard look at what I consider my responsibilities/roles and trying to get my list down to something more realistic.
Witchy Road Trip

So here’s to “Needing a Break” and making sure that we don’t become overwhelmed with too many obligations.

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